The Mongolian Snuff Bottle Explained

The Mongolian Snuff Bottle Explained


The Mongolian snuff bottle is an essential part of local culture, used in everyday greetings and for special occasions. I explain its history, what it’s made from, how to accept it from your host, and more.

When you visit Mongolia and enter a ger (known more commonly as a yurt), you’ll notice that one of the most common greetings between hosts and guests is exchanging a snuff bottle. This is done almost immediately as a way for the host to welcome you into their home. I’ll explain more on the Mongolian snuff bottle, what’s inside, and how to properly accept it from the host below.

When entering a ger, if you’re male, you enter and walk to your right. If you’re female, you enter and walk to the left before sitting down. If you’re a foreign guest visiting a nomadic family’s home for the first time, you’ll enter and walk to the left, no matter your gender.

The host will sit by the “crown” of the ger, which is opposite to the door and is considered the most respected part of the ger.

It’s here where you can also see the family’s Buddhist shrine, family photos, and horse-racing or herding medals. These are usually placed on the wooden chest alongside all of the family’s most prized possessions.

Mongolian Hello: Properly Accepting the Snuff Bottle

Instead of shaking your hand, the host will offer you a small, shiny bottle made of a beautiful and precious stone topped with a red cap.

This bottle, called “khoorog” in local Mongolian language, contains powdered tobacco.

The host will offer the snuff with their right hand while holding their elbow with their left hand as a sign of respect. Mongolians always give and receive with their right hand. You should do the same, reaching out to receive the khoorog with your right hand while holding your right elbow with your left hand. If this sounds confusing, just watch your host and copy what he does.

With the snuff bottle in hand, raise the cap halfway and take a sniff slowly and respectfully into both nostrils. If you’re really interested in experiencing powdered tobacco, it’s also acceptable to use the little spoon attached to the cap and scoop out the tobacco to sniff. Be prepared for your eyes to water or to start sneezing uncontrollably, both are a good sign you’ve done it right! Not only will this whiff clear out your sinuses, it will give you and your host a good laugh!

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